With immediate effect, Jim and I regret to say that we have decided to disband the Classic British Kits USA Special Interest Group.
As founders and organizers of the SIG, neither of us has had the proper time to devote to this and this is not likely to change in the foreseeable future, while neither of us feels that there has been sufficient interest from other members to allow it to be carried on by someone else. After much thought and consultation with John Ratzenberger, we have therefore decided to call it quits. It is also regrettable that, aside from John, IPMS/USA is not a SIG-friendly environment.
We'd like to thank those of you who have supported the SIG over these past couple of years, but we would like to remind members that the Classic British Kits UK is a very active SIG, and would appreciate your support in whatever manner you can provide. Jim, John, and I have, and will continue, to support CBK/UK.
Paul Bradley
CBK Sig Co-Leader